What is Mycarematters Profiles?
Mycarematters Profiles is a secure online resource where people can upload the information they want healthcare professionals to know, enabling them to provide a better standard of care. This is particularly relevant for people who may struggle to communicate their needs and preferences. Typical information you are prompted to provide are things like your preferred food and drinks, your mobility needs, issues to do with your hearing and eyesight, as well as some background information, so hospital staff gain a better understanding of the things that matter to you. With your agreement, hospitals will display your Mycarematters profile behind your bed if you have to undergo a stay in hospital, to make everyone interacting with you aware of your non-medical needs and preferences.

What is the Mycarematters System?
Our goal is for all people with temporary or permanent communication challenges to prepare an online profile in advance of a stay in hospital. Where this has not been done, we provide hospitals with blank charts that can be filled in by hand. The Mycarematters System therefore refers to the provision of a single sided profile to be displayed behind the bed, regardless of whether it has been produced online or by hand.

Do I have to answer every question?
Not at all. It is entirely up to you what information you provide and with the exception of things like your name, email address and date of birth (used to keep your information secure) you have total control over which questions to answer. 

What does it cost to register my information at Mycarematters Profiles?
Creating a Mycarematters profile is entirely free for individuals. If you'd like to create profiles for up to five other members of your family you can upgrade to a Family Plus account. Care homes can also create one profile for free, and are then invited to set up an account and pay a small annual subscription (paid monthly) for the number of profiles they need.

How do hospitals know that I have a Mycarematters profile, if I cannot communicate and go to hospital by myself?
Visit our shop where you can purchase stickers, wallet cards and key/luggage fobs that display your Mycarematters code. We also recommend printing out a copy to take with you.

How do you keep my information private?
We use the latest encryption techniques in order to protect your information from unauthorised access. However, it is important that you understand that anyone with your name, date of birth and Mycarematters code will be able to access the information you have uploaded. 

I am looking at creating a Mycarematters profile for someone else, can I register on their behalf?
Yes, make sure you use the person’s name and date of birth when creating their profile, so that hospitals can retrieve their profile. If you are running an organisation like a care home, you have the option to pay a small subscription and create a Mycarematters profile for each of your residents.

Can a Mycarematters profile still be useful if the person moves to a care home?
Absolutely. If the care home has a Mycarematters Profiles account the person's profile can be transferred to them. Both family and care home can then update a person's information. If the care home is not using Mycarematters Profiles they can still view or print out (but not edit) a person's profile if provided with the person's Mycarematters code.

What is the difference between retrieving and transferring a profile?
You can provide your Mycarematters code to anyone caring for you so that they can view online or print out your Mycarematters profile. They do that by clicking on Retrieve Profile on the home page of our website and typing in your name, date of birth and Mycarematters code. Anyone accessing a profile in this way cannot edit the profile.
Transferring a profile from a family account to a care home account enables both care home personnel and families to update a person's profile.

Can I use my Mycarematters profile to help with my care at home?
Absolutely. We offer a variety of methods to help you ensure your profile is visible to your carers, such as wall hangers. Visit our shop for further details.

I don’t understand how to use Mycarematters, where can I get help?
Call us on 01403 210485 and we can guide you through the process of registering and adding your information.